Key Technologies
Get in-depth information about Quadra-Fire’s industry-leading technology and how it impacts the functionality and performance of your hearth product. You can also learn about Zone Heating, and how this supplemental heating appliances like wood stoves can impact the efficiency of your home.
Automatic Combustion Control (ACC)
See MoreAutomatic Combustion Control (ACC) is an advanced heat-management system from Quadra-Fire that maintains precision airflow for longer, cleaner and more efficient burns.
Direct Vent Technology
See MoreWith Direct Vent Technology, your fireplace can use outside air for combustion, expelling 100% of the combustion exhaust and by-products.
FireBrick Technology
See MoreDirect vent FireBrick gas fireplaces and inserts provide the warmth and glow of a real wood burning fire without any of the inconvenience.
IntelliFire™ Ignition System
See MoreIntelliFire features intermittent-pilot Ignition (IPI) allowing you to conserve fuel and money when the fireplace is not in use.
IntelliFire Touch Controls
See MoreIntelliFire features intermittent-pilot Ignition (IPI) allowing you to conserve fuel and money when the fireplace is not in use.
Quadra-Fire® Four-Point Burn System
See MoreQuadra-Fire wood stoves, inserts and fireplaces are famous for the patented “four-point” Quad Burn combustion system.
Zone Heating
See MoreThis climate control technology provides homeowners with the option to redirect heat output to specific areas of the home, improving heating efficiency.