Vermont Castings
Key Technologies
Get in-depth information about the industry-leading technologies we utilize in our products, as well as some industry terminology. Click on the links below to learn more and see how each technology effects how your new product functions.
IntelliFire Touch Controls
Learn MoreIntelliFire Touch is our most advanced intermittent-pilot ignition system, which makes operating your fireplace simple, smart and safe. Select from the IntelliFire app, touchscreen remote control or wireless wall switch for a solution that fits your lifestyle.
FlexBurn Technology
Learn MoreFlexBurn stoves burn with or without a catalyst and achieve 15% higher efficiency on low burns with the catalyst in place.
Top Load Technology
Learn MoreOur top load technology is second to none and perhaps the most celebrated feature of Vermont Castings stoves.
C3 Technology
Learn MoreNo more fiddling with manual air controls to keep your fire in the sweet spot. Our exclusive Continuous Combustion Control™ (C3) technology keeps everything in harmonious balance for you.
Thermostatically Controlled Combustion
Learn MoreOur unique, built-in thermostat requires no electricity and automatically adjusts the required air for combustion. Just set the stove for the heat output you want and let the thermostat do the rest. The result—longer, more even heat.